sábado, 16 de janeiro de 2010

Consegui traduzir a música tema em inglês

Bom, com a ajuda do tradutor do google, kkkk, consegui traduzir a musica tema 2010 de cosmopax para Inglês, olha como fica, que conseguir fazer, acho que pode ganhar.

Waking up without having to fear
See the sun coming to get you warm
Look in the eyes of his brother
Fight against those who say they

Every day is a day to make
Every time it's time to
Keep the flame in the heart
Believing in the power of emotion

It is to live, is to play
It's to grow, is to take on
Our world has no equal
Friendship overcomes evil

You are the only natural and
His desire is real
Just no one forget
That the world belongs to you

Dream the dream of living
Prove that you can see
Use your imagination
Changing the world with his

It is to live, is to play
It's to grow, is to take on
Our world has no equal
Friendship overcomes evil

You are the only natural and
His desire is real
Just no one forget
That the world belongs to you

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